Disclosure log

Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, ANU is required to publish a disclosure log on its website. The disclosure log lists documents which have been released in response to FOI access requests in accordance with the requirements of the FOI Act. For documents released from 1 January 2021, the disclosure log will contain the documents released under FOI. For access to documents released prior to 1 January 2021, please send an email to foi@anu.edu.au.

Agencies are required to publish details of documents released under the FOI Act within ten working days of an applicant being given access to the documents.

The disclosure log requirement does not apply to documents released under the FOI Act containing personal or business information that ANU considers would be unreasonable to publish.

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Date postedANU referenceRequest detailsDocuments released
22 May 2011 201100230C
  • Professor Young's salary for first year of employment
  • Documents relating to the conditions of Prof. Young's employment
  • Correspondence between the University and Prof. Young about [his] appointment as ANU Vice-Chancellor
  • Documents outlining Prof. Young's salary package, including fringe benefits
  • Documents relating to the refurbishment of the VC's residence, including quotes for work to be completed and cost
  • Documents including receipts relating to rexpenses incurred by Prof. Young's stay in temporary accommodation while the upgrade of the residence is completed
  • Any correspondence relating to this FOI request
28 April 2011 201100142C
  • Student Enrolment numbers
  • Student demographic data
  • Fees paid to enrol
  • Fees paid to complete the degree
  • Number of International students required to enter via ANU College
  • Fees required by students entering via ANU college
  • Grades of students who attended ANU College during the period
  • Level of assessment received upon course completion
  • Number of domestic students who used ANU College to gain entry
  • The fees paid by domestic students of ANU College
  • Amount of government funding domestic & international students received during this period.