Disclosure log

Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, ANU is required to publish a disclosure log on its website. The disclosure log lists documents which have been released in response to FOI access requests in accordance with the requirements of the FOI Act. For documents released from 1 January 2021, the disclosure log will contain the documents released under FOI. For access to documents released prior to 1 January 2021, please send an email to foi@anu.edu.au.

Agencies are required to publish details of documents released under the FOI Act within ten working days of an applicant being given access to the documents.

The disclosure log requirement does not apply to documents released under the FOI Act containing personal or business information that ANU considers would be unreasonable to publish.

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Date postedANU referenceRequest detailsDocuments released
16 October 2013 201300680C
  • Documents containing student full name, enrolment number/student ID, course and graduation date of all international students from India who studied at the Â鶹´«Ã½AV National University from 1996 - 1999.
01 September 2013 201300471C
  • Documents detailing the number of first year group of PhB (science) students this year - 2013 - who received scholarships.
  • Documents relating to the criteria this / these scholarship/s was/were based on.
  • Documents explaining the reasons these people were chosen.
  • Documents identifying whether scholarship recipients were private or public school graduates.
27 June 2013 201300352C
  • All documents, including emails and attachments to those emails, created/sent on Thursday 2nd May and Friday 3rd May 2013, that relates in any way to Mr Simon Sheikh, drafted/sent by the following people: - Professor Ian Young AO (both vc@anu.edu.au & Mr Young's personal email address) - Tegan Donald (tegan.donald@anu.edu.au) - Geoffrey Parsons (geoffrey.parsons@anu.edu.au) - Professor Richard Baker (both pvc.se@anu.edu.au & Mr Baker's personal email address) - Trishita McHugh (trishita.mchugh@anu.edu.au) - Dr Andrew Smith (andrew.smith@anu.edu.au) - Anna Rose (anna.rose@anu.edu.au)
  • (Essentially any document created or sent by Anna Rose, the Vice Chancellor's office, or Pro-Vice Chancellor Baker's office on those two days, that relates to Mr Simon Sheikh).
  • Following consultation with the applicant, access is not sought to third party personal information contained in documents which are found to be relevant to the request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.
30 May 2013 201300268C
  • The document indicating how the current pay rate of 29% of the associate lecturer level 2 pay rate for GTFs was arrived at, justified and calculated.
06 May 2013 201300024C
  • Documents created during 2011 or 2012, which refer to the University's ownership and/or sale of shares in Metgasco.
  • Documents created during 2012, which refer to the University's purchase, sale or ownership of shares in any company which generates revenue from oil, coal, gas (conventional or unconventional), or uranium, whether from extraction, refinement or energy generation.
  • Documents created during 2012, which relate to criteria or assessment of environmental impact for University investment, whether through shares, managed funds or other means.
14 February 2013 201200988C
  • The 2012 report to the Chair of the Academic Board on the outcomes of the year's promotion round, or such information as has been so far compiled by the College of Arts and Social Sciences (CASS) Local Promotions Committee in preparation of the report. The report will include information on the number of cases considered and determined by area, level and gender.
11 November 2012 201200332C
  • The current operating and capital budgets of the Â鶹´«Ã½AV National University as a whole, including and with particular reference to the budgets of the ANU School of Music - documents specifically relating to expenditure.
  • The Minutes of the Finance Committee of the ANU University Council, number 359.
  • The content, excluding any personal information (such as necessary to protect the identity and personal circumstances of the sender and render the receipt of permission to distribute unnecessary), of any and all emails sent to the somconsult@anu.edu.au since its establishment and all emails sent from said address (or its proxy).
  • The official reports of any committees or groups tasked by the University with curriculum oversight and development of the School of Music, in which the School of Music is mentioned, since January 2008.
  • The minutes of all meetings of the Academic Board, Education Committee, and University Council, at which the School of Music was discussed, since January 2008.
  • All internal reports and policy documents (excluding emails, personal memoranda, and communications) pertaining to the future direction of the ANU School of Music created and/or distributed in whole or in party by Jonathan Powles and/or Professor Adrian Walker and/or Professor Marnie Hughes-Warrington since 2008.
  • All submissions to the education program review (as mentioned: http://cass.anu.edu.au/node2958) pertaining to the ANU School of Music as referenced on the student transition web page.
  • The document entitled Towards 2013 - a vision for a 21st Century Music School by Professor Adrian Walter, written in 2010.
  • All official, University endorsed school-wide curriculum documents developed for the ANU School of Music from 2008 to the present day.
  • The current operating and capital budgets of the Â鶹´«Ã½AV National University as a whole, including with particular reference to the individual budgets of: The ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences; The ANU John Curtin School of Medical Research; and the ANU Office of the Vice-Chancellor.
  • The employment contract or agreement of Vice-Chancellor Ian Young, including all appendices, codicils, and pay scales.
07 May 2012 201100407C
  • Emails, transcripts of telephone calls or messages that contain abuse, threats to kill and/or threats of harm to the recipient sent to [six named staff or representatives] of the Climate Change Institute in the six months prior to June 2011.
09 April 2012 201200201C
  • Information on the Â鶹´«Ã½AV National University's policy relating to web browser and social media channel use.
03 April 2012 201200056C
  • the Vice-Chancellor's report entitled 'Operational Improvements to the Academic Structure of the ANU' (paper 206/2005), approved by the University Council at its meeting of 10 June 2005;
  • the Operational Improvements Plan dated June 2005, as referred to at page 6 of the ANU Annual Report 2006;
  • any document recording, evidencing or referring to the discussions between the ANU and our client, as referred to in Part 3, item 12 of the ANU Council Minutes dated 5 August 2005 (document 218/2005);
  • any document recording, evidencing or referring to the claimed stated position that our client would not dispute the name of the ANU College of Law as along as certain protocols were observed, as referred to at page 2 of the report entitled 'The Â鶹´«Ã½AV National University, ANU College of Law, College Administration';
  • minutes of the meeting held in August 2005 between Dean Coper, the Head of School, Faculty Executive Officer, the Faculty Marketing Officer and the Director of Marketing and Communications (MAC), regarding the new college arrangements;
  • minutes of the meeting held in or around August 2005 where MAC staff attended the Law Faculty to discuss possible variations on the branding of the college, as referred to at page 3 of the report entitled 'The Â鶹´«Ã½AV National University, ANU College of Law, College Administration';
  • minutes of the meetings between the Faculty of Law, Dr Brok Glenn and the Directors of Central Administration regarding the implementation of the College structure, including the meetings held on 2 June 2005 and 8 July 2005;
  • minutes of the meeting of the Postgraduate Representative Council regarding the college restructure including the meeting held on 26 September 2006;
  • any document or communication, dated between September 2004 and December 2005 recording, evidencing or referring to the consultative processes undertaken by the ANU to consider the formation of colleges by the ANU, including the staff consultation as referred to in the ANU Media Release dated 15 December 2005, entitled 'Colleges to Strengthen ANU';
  • any document recording, evidencing or referring to legal advice given to the Vice-Chancellor in relation to the adoption of the name 'ANU College of Law' and the 'potential trade mark issue' with the name 'College of Law', including: The legal advice referred to in the ANU Council Agenda of meeting 368 dated 9 December 2005 (document 888/2005); and The legal advice given by the University Legal Office at the end of October 2005, that the Faculty could proceed to market using the brand name ANU College of Law, as referred to at page 4 of the report entitled 'The Â鶹´«Ã½AV National University, ANU College of Law, College Administration'.
  • any document recording, evidencing or referring to consideration on the part of the University or the University Council of the University's power to effect the adoption of a college structure by the ANU;
  • any document recording, evidencing or referring to the procedures put in place to ensure that the ANU Legal Workshop does not operate in a way that would confuse it with the operations of our client, as referred to in the ANU Council Agenda of meeting 368 dated 9 December 2005 (document 888/2005);
  • any document recording or evidencing the ANU Colleges being 'formally constituted', as referred to at page 6 of the ANU Annual Report 2006;
  • any document or instrument that effects the adoption of the college structure by the University in 2005;
  • any document or communication, dated between June 2004 and January 2007, recording, evidencing or referring to the implementation process undertaken by the University to adopt the college structure, including all Operational Improvements Implementation Progress Reports to Council (for example document 891/2005);
  • any document recording, evidencing or referring to consideration by the University of the similarity or likelihood of confusion or deception between the names 'ANU College of Law' and 'College of Law'; and
  • any document or communication, dated December 2005 to date, recording, evidencing or referring to confusion between the 'ANU College of Law' and The College of Law.