Disclosure log

Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, ANU is required to publish a disclosure log on its website. The disclosure log lists documents which have been released in response to FOI access requests in accordance with the requirements of the FOI Act. For documents released from 1 January 2021, the disclosure log will contain the documents released under FOI. For access to documents released prior to 1 January 2021, please send an email to foi@anu.edu.au.

Agencies are required to publish details of documents released under the FOI Act within ten working days of an applicant being given access to the documents.

The disclosure log requirement does not apply to documents released under the FOI Act containing personal or business information that ANU considers would be unreasonable to publish.

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Date postedANU referenceRequest detailsDocuments released
16 June 2014 201400175C
  • Notes, files, documents, emails, records of telephone and meeting records and details, written, electronic or in other form, held by the ANU in relation to the accusations of anti-Semitic actions by Socialist Alternative including those from Market Day in O week.
  • Notes, files, documents, records of telephone and meeting records and details in relation to any meetings held before that day in relation to Socialist Alternative at the ANU from the period 1 January 2013, in particular in the month before and after 12 February 2014.
  • All the written material, records, details, notes, emails, files held by relevant parties at the ANU in relation to the article published on 11 March 2014 in Woroni entitled 'Anti-Semitism at the ANU', including details of meetings between Woroni and other people about the article and any documentation, notes, files, emails and telephone and meeting records etc relating to the article.
  • All the documents, files, notes, records, emails, telephone and meeting details that Professor Richard Baker has in his investigation into the allegations of anti-Semitic behaviour by Socialist Alternative.
  • Copies of the 3 most recent ANU compilations and/or analysis of allegations of racist and/or religious attacks and discrimination and the approach the ANU took and outcomes.
  • Copies of all the material available in relation to the recent decision of the ANU to establish an investigation by Professor Richard Baker into allegations of anti-Semitic actions by Socialist Alternative.
12 June 2014 201400162C
  • Any cost-benefit analyses produced by or for the ANU, relating to the ANU's participation in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), specifically the EdX programme;
  • Any invoices or receipts for the subscription/participation fees paid by the ANU or paid by any person or organisation on the ANU's behalf, to EdX;
  • Minutes of meetings of the University Council where participation in the EdX programme was discussed, and specifically meetings of University Council where participation was recommended by any advisor bodies either set up, or liaising with the ANU;
  • Any agreements which detail the copyright arrangements applying to lectures, lecture materials, course materials, video materials and software used in the EdX programme;
  • Any agreements entered into by the ANU with EdX relating to possible changes in the form, delivery, copyright structure of, or billing for participation in, the EdX programme, especially relating to consultation processes through which the ANU may express its views regarding certain changes;
  • Any strategic planning documents, outlining the processes and metrics intended for use by the ANU to ascertain the relative success of failure of its participation in MOOCs, especially the EdX programme.
18 May 2014 201400278C
  • Documents held in the ANU staff file in the name of Geoffrey James Thomas Jukes (born 28/8/1928, died 2010)
12 February 2014 201400059C
  • Correspondence, including e-mail, only between Professor Ian Young, Vice Chancellor of the ANU and The Hon Christopher Pyne MP, Commonwealth Minister of Education only, since 8 September 2013 to 20 January 2014
19 December 2013 201300785C
  • Completed PBL Quantitative Observer Forms for all PBL groups
  • Any documents containing information regarding the grading system including classes and types, related reasons, mechanics and implications, how the content of an answer or behavior accords what marks or penalties and how this all adds up, and standard comments that may be put in the Admission Outcome column of Interview Combined Result forms.
  • Any document containing information that refers to the translation of combined marks from PBL Quantitative Observer Forms to Interview Combined Result Forms
  • Any documents containing information regarding the transfer of information from individual station results contained within Interview Records Forms and PBL Quantitative Observer Forms to Interview Combined Result Forms that shows the basis of: - who made the comment - how, why and when the information is transferred; - revisions to comments, marks or any other information contained ; and - whether revisions to marks and comments is allowed or is impermissible
  • Any documents containing information provided to Gemsas about the applicant.
  • A sample of de-identified 5 highest scoring combined forms.
18 November 2013 201300707C
  • A time series of monthly after-tax with-dividend returns to the Fund from inception to date. An after-tax with-dividend return includes the franking credits that may be attached to dividends received and the dividends themselves and is net of any withholding taxes that may be paid on dividends, interest and royalties received from foreign entities.
  • A time series of monthly without-credit but after-withholding-tax with-dividend returns to the Fund from inception to date. A without-credit but after-withholding-tax with-dividend return excludes the franking credits that may be attached to dividends received but includes the dividends themselves and is net of any withholding taxes that may be paid on dividends, interest and royalties received from foreign entities.
  • A time series of monthly before-tax without-dividend returns to the Fund from inception to date. A before-tax without-dividend return excludes the franking credits that may be attached to dividends received, excludes the dividends received and is gross of any withholding taxes that may be paid on dividends, interest and royalties received from foreign entities.
  • The value of the Fund at the end of each month from inception to date.
  • Whether performance-related fees paid to the manager of the Fund are determined on the basis of: - The after-tax with-dividend returns to the Fund. An after-tax with-dividend return includes the franking credits that may be attached to dividends received and the dividends themselves and is net of any withholding taxes that may be paid on dividends, interest and royalties received from foreign entities. - The without-credit but after-withholding-tax with-dividend returns to the Fund. A without-credit but after-withholding-tax with-dividend return excludes the franking credits that may be attached to dividends received but includes the dividends themselves and is net of any withholding taxes that may be paid on dividends, interest and royalties received from foreign entities. - The before-tax without-dividend returns to the Fund. A before-tax without-dividend return excludes the franking credits that may be attached to dividends received, excludes the dividends received and is gross of any withholding taxes that may be paid on dividends, interest and royalties received from foreign entities.
16 October 2013 201300680C
  • Documents containing student full name, enrolment number/student ID, course and graduation date of all international students from India who studied at the Â鶹´«Ã½AV National University from 1996 - 1999.
01 September 2013 201300471C
  • Documents detailing the number of first year group of PhB (science) students this year - 2013 - who received scholarships.
  • Documents relating to the criteria this / these scholarship/s was/were based on.
  • Documents explaining the reasons these people were chosen.
  • Documents identifying whether scholarship recipients were private or public school graduates.
27 June 2013 201300352C
  • All documents, including emails and attachments to those emails, created/sent on Thursday 2nd May and Friday 3rd May 2013, that relates in any way to Mr Simon Sheikh, drafted/sent by the following people: - Professor Ian Young AO (both vc@anu.edu.au & Mr Young's personal email address) - Tegan Donald (tegan.donald@anu.edu.au) - Geoffrey Parsons (geoffrey.parsons@anu.edu.au) - Professor Richard Baker (both pvc.se@anu.edu.au & Mr Baker's personal email address) - Trishita McHugh (trishita.mchugh@anu.edu.au) - Dr Andrew Smith (andrew.smith@anu.edu.au) - Anna Rose (anna.rose@anu.edu.au)
  • (Essentially any document created or sent by Anna Rose, the Vice Chancellor's office, or Pro-Vice Chancellor Baker's office on those two days, that relates to Mr Simon Sheikh).
  • Following consultation with the applicant, access is not sought to third party personal information contained in documents which are found to be relevant to the request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.
30 May 2013 201300268C
  • The document indicating how the current pay rate of 29% of the associate lecturer level 2 pay rate for GTFs was arrived at, justified and calculated.