Disclosure log

Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, ANU is required to publish a disclosure log on its website. The disclosure log lists documents which have been released in response to FOI access requests in accordance with the requirements of the FOI Act. For documents released from 1 January 2021, the disclosure log will contain the documents released under FOI. For access to documents released prior to 1 January 2021, please send an email to foi@anu.edu.au.

Agencies are required to publish details of documents released under the FOI Act within ten working days of an applicant being given access to the documents.

The disclosure log requirement does not apply to documents released under the FOI Act containing personal or business information that ANU considers would be unreasonable to publish.

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Date postedANU referenceRequest detailsDocuments released
03 October 2024 202400106

This email is to request all information available to me, for the purpose of the FOI Act, concerning the nomination and subsequent implementation of the nomination of Professor Saikal to this status.


I would like to know specifically:

- What ANU staff members, college executives, and/or College Deans nominated Professor Saikal to the Vice-Chancellor for consideration of conferral of the title of Emeritus Professor;

- Who were his two referees;

- When did the Vice-Chancellor approve and award the Emeritus title;

- What is the nature and length of the conferred association.


To that aim, could you please provide me with: 

  • all 2023 and 2024 documents and correspondence between the Vice-Chancellor and ANU executives (school reviews, internal memos, reports, emails etc.) related to Professor Saikal's nomination and among them: 
  • all correspondence between the Chancellery, CAIS, RSSS and CASS members of staff, academic and professional, concerning the above mentioned nomination and its implementation(i.e. conferral of title).
03 October 2024 202400117

The minutes from all meetings of the Exceptional Business Committee held  between Sunday the 18th of August and Thursday the 29th of August.

03 October 2024 202400079

Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, I request access to copies of the following documents: 
Any documents, transcripts, recordings or other material relating to the College of Arab and Islamic Studies relating to the event, "A Discussion with Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur Occupied Palestinian Territory" which took place on Wed 15 Nov 2023 between 2.30–3.30pm at the CAIS Lecutre Theatre, Room 1.15.

Any documents, emails, correspondence between any staff member or representative of the ANU and Francesca Albanese, her office, her assistants or representatives who purport to act for her or who facilitated her attendance at the ANU.

Any receipts for payments or any form of consideration, assistance or other transfer of value, gratuity or reimbursement made from the ANU to Francesca Albanese, her office, her assistants or anyone connected to her.

Date range for the documents being requested
1 July 2023 to the present day being 25 June 2024

03 October 2024 202400070

CCTV footage capturing participants of the pro-Palestinian encampment displaying hate symbols, with the option to redact biometric/facial identification.
- Correspondence regarding the request and search for the aforementioned CCTV footage subsequent to ANU's awareness of allegations concerning such incidents. If no such investigation took place please note this.
- Reports detailing observations, incidents, and related information concerning the encampment from security personnel, ANU staff, and students, encompassing but not limited to locations such as Fenner Hall and other dormitories. Any personal information can be redacted as appropriate. 
- Data and information concerning the additional resources allocated by ANU in response to the encampment, including associated costs incurred by the university (e.g., increased security, residential staffing and overtime)

Date range for the documents being requested- January 2024 - Present 

03 October 2024 202400082

‘Any documents relating to the provision of security for the ANU Encampment including budgets, costings, tendering documents, correspondence and any documents which illustrate a rationale or a need for security to be provided on a 24/7 basis.  Date range for the documents being requested-1 January 2024 to the present day 25 June 2024’

03 October 2024 202400104

Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, I request access to copies of the following documents: 
All documents from the ANU Council meeting on Friday the 14th of June 2024 relating to discussions concerning the following companies: 

BAE Systems PLC 
Boeing Co
Intl Business Machines Corp 
Lockheed Martin
Northrop Grumman Corp 
Thales SA 
Dassault Systems SA
Elbit Systems Ltd
General Dynamics Corp
General Electric Co
Colt CZ Group SE
L3Harris Technologies Inc
Leonardo SpA
Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC
RTX Corp
Textron Inc
ThyssenKrupp AG
Paz Oil Co Ltd

Including in the form of the following types of documents:

Documents pertaining to future divestment plans,
Financial reports,
Investment reports,
Investment Advisory Committee reports,
Finance Committee reports.

Date range for the documents being requested
14 June 2024

03 October 2024 202400078

Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, I request access to copies of the following documents: 
Please provide a copy of the following documents:

1. A copy of the reports/submissions/recommendations provided by Facilities and Services to the Executive/Chief Operating Officer in 2022, 2023 and 2024 regarding closure of the following childcare centres:

a. University Pre-school and Childcare Centre

b. Cubby House on Campus

c. Heritage Early Childhood Centre

d. Acton Early Child Care

2. The 2023 and 2024 building and/or inspection reports regarding the condition, safety, useability, and maintenance required for the buildings occupied by following childcare centres:

a. University Pre-school and Childcare Centre

b. Cubby House on Campus

c. Heritage Early Childhood Centre

d. Acton Early Child Care

3. A copy of the 2022, 2023, and 2024 costings, costs benefit analysis, return on investment and pay-back period, regarding the development of the new childcare centres on campus.

4. A copy of the application to the National Capital Authority for works approval for building new childcare centres at ANU. 

03 October 2024 202400075

I would like to lodge a FOI request for the following documents: 


- Any reports, notes and documents from fire wardens at Fenner Hall and the Kambri Cultural Centre, ANU Security, Facilities and Services, ACT Fire and Rescue and any other involved entities relating to the fire alarm and subsequent evacuation on 21 May 2024 in Kambri.


- Subsequent reports, documents and correspondence surrounding this evacuation and any hazards identified during the evacuation

03 October 2024 202400103

Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, I request access to copies of the following documents: 
All documents from the ANU Council meeting on Friday the 14th of June 2024 relating to discussions concerning the ANU Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) Policy.

Where discussions includes, but is not limited to, any discussion relating to:

Definitions within the SRI Policy including the addition, removal, or modification of definitions,
Sections of the SRI Policy including the addition, removal, or modification of sections,
External Investment Managers, including the addition, removal, or modification of policy requirements to be met by external managers,
The Long Term Investment Pool, including all portfolios that fall under this structure.

Including in the form of the following types of documents:

Documents pertaining to future divestment plans,
Financial reports,
Investment reports,
Investment Advisory Committee reports,
Finance Committee reports.

Date range for the documents being requested
14 June 2024

03 October 2024 202400087

Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, I request access to copies of the following documents: 
A full recording of the lecture, "International Women Day Lecture | Palestine is a Feminist Issue" () from the Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies, a partial recording of which can be found here:

Copies of correspondence between any member of staff at the Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies and lecturer Dr Samah Sabawi.

Date range for the documents being requested
7 October 2023 to the present day 27 June 2024