Events & stories

Events & stories

Events & stories

Events & stories

A great way to meet people and make the most of your university experience is to connect with ANU communities that interest you. Explore the different communities and get involved with like-minded peers.

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Micky, third-year resident at Fenner Hall

"Halfway through O-Week I knew I was at home. I was overwhelmed by how quickly I felt at home here. Being off campus, you can leave university at the…

Is rap the new research language?

Written by Simon Mulvaney, third year B(Interdisciplinary Studies) Dr Mary Kilcline Cody is an historian of Southeast Asia and an inaugural Tuckwell…

Ever wonder what ANU tastes like?

How would you transform the way people know and understand the world of their everyday experience? ANU student Nick Mortimer founded the ANU…

Nobel Laureate asks: why is there no vaccine against HIV or TB?

Emeritus Professor Rolf Zinkernagel and Professor Peter Doherty were jointly awarded the 1996 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for…

2014 Last Lecture

Dr Ioannis Ziogas, Lecturer in Classics from the ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, won the vote in 2014. As described by his students,…

The idea of a university

One of my favourite quotes captures brilliantly the idea of a university being a place where new ideas are generated. John Henry Newman in his 1852…