The University’s Sexual Violence Prevention Toolkit

03 Dec 2024

The provides a visionary blueprint for achieving gender equality everywhere. The annual campaign commences on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and ends on 10 December, Human Rights Day.

In solidarity with the 16 Days of Activism, we want to share the University’s Sexual Violence Prevention Toolkit, which provides a practical guide on how to implement change to combat the pervasiveness of sexual violence locally.  

The ANU community is encouraged to use the toolkit to gain a deeper perspective on the impact and reality of gender-based violence. The toolkit aims to empower readers to take local action and be a connector between broader governance priorities and the operational plans of local areas – especially in the domain of gender equity, diversity and inclusion.

The toolkit was developed by the team in late 2022, in partnership with staff and students across a range of local areas. It was designed specifically for an ANU community context. The toolkit includes self-assessment tools and educational resources, grounded in established theory and research and when used in conjunction with training and consultation with the Inclusive and Respectful Communities team, have the potential to make a significant, positive impact across ANU.  

"We all have a role to play in creating a safe and respectful campus, but sometimes it is difficult to know what to do outside of individual efforts. The Sexual Violence Prevention Toolkit explains what prevention looks like at a whole-of-area level and helps find practical and simple changes to systems and structures that address both gender equity and respectful conduct agendas. It’s a great tool for interpreting broader strategic priorities within a local area context," said Joel Radcliffe from the University’s Inclusive and Respectful Communities team.

The University is committed to providing a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for staff and students. One focus area is the prevention of gender-based violence with strategies and actions documented in the Sexual Violence Prevention Strategy 2019-2026 and the 2024 – 2026. You can find these documents and more on the Respect@ANU webpage.

For further resources and support students are encouraged to access ANU Student Safety and Wellbeing team, and staff are encouraged to access the .  

Both students and staff can also submit an identified or de-identified disclosure using the if faced with discrimination or harassment.