Council News – Meeting: 9 August 2024
Council News
Meeting 5/2024
9 August 2024
Council held its fifth meeting of 2024 in person in the RC Mills Room, Chancelry.
Council Membership
Council welcomed Mr Rob Whitfield as a member appointed by the Minister for Education for a four year term
Council acknowledged the approaching end of term on Council for Professor Craig Mortiz, Dr Liz Allen and Professor Lyndall Strazdins. Council thanked them for their contribution.
Council noted that elections for these positions will commence shortly with new (or renewed) members to join Council at its next meeting in October.
Chancellor’s Report
Council noted the Chancellor’s report, which included an update on attendance at recent events and meetings with ANU stakeholders.
Vice-Chancellor’s Report
Council noted the Vice-Chancellor’s report which included updates on the University’s attendance at a ; the recruitment process for a new Chief Operating Officer; ongoing discussions with on campus; the after four remarkable and legacy-building women endorsed by Council in July; the recent graduation ceremonies which saw roughly 1,500 students graduate in person.
Socially Responsible Investment Policy
Council discussed the Socially Responsible Investment Policy and the outcome of a widespread consultation process. It was noted that the consultation was likely the most engaged in the University’s recent history with roughly 900 responses and 100 staff and students attending the Zoom town hall.
Council endorsed an update to the implementation of the Socially Responsible Investment policy that would require the exclusion of controversial weapons and civilian small arms manufacturers. Council also approved that the University work to develop positive investment screens for gender equality, First Nations companies and Modern Slavery.
Other Matters
Council considered a number of other significant issues including the University’s performance against its Corporate Plan which contains several Key Performance Indicators, the University’s July Financial Data, Honorary Degree Nominations, the 2023 Advancement Annual Report and detailed reports on Student Safety & Wellbeing and Staff Work Health & Safety.
Next Meeting
Council next meets on Friday 4 October 2024.