Immersia 2024: Competitive Karuta (競技かるた) – Card Game Using Japanese Traditional Poems

Have you ever seen a Competitive Karuta match, a traditional Japanese card game?

Players memorise 100 classic poems from the Hyakunin Isshu and, with lightning speed, swipe a card the moment they hear the first few syllables.

These poems hold significant cultural value, each reflecting the history, culture, and emotions of its time—many of which remain relevant in the modern world.

The skill and agility of these players are truly astounding—cards can fly 10 meters in a single swipe!

Join the ANU Karuta Club to learn the basics of the poems and the game, followed by a live demonstration.

Date and Times


East Road, North of Coombs Building
Acton, ANU Campus
Canberra, ACT, 2601
